University of Southampton


Installing CorelDRAW Graphics Suite

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite contains several graphic design applications used in vector illustration, photo-editing, and website design.


If you are a student:

If you are a member of staff:

  • You can install CorelDRAW Graphics Suite on any university-owned computer from the “Software Center” icon on the desktop.
  • If you wish to install the software on a university-owned computer that does not have a university build, please contact Serviceline.
  • Unfortunately, you cannot install the software on personal devices. This is because the Corel Academic Site License (CASL) terms of the use state: “The CASL license covers installations on computers on the campus, but not off the campus”.

Available Training 

Training for CorelDRAW is available via Linkedin Learning:

There are several video lessons available through our site license to the Linkedin Learning online library.

  1. Go to Linkedin learning
  2. Select the 'get started' button
  3. Log in with your University username and password
  4. You can then search for 'CorelDRAW' in the search bar

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