University of Southampton


How to export emails, contacts, and calendar from Outlook 

This article explains how to export emails, contacts, and calendars from the Outlook desktop application for Windows and Apple macOS.

This article contains extracts from the following Microsoft Support pages:

Before starting

Before starting, please take time to:

  • Select the correct email account before you start your export
  • Delete any email you do not want to keep with you
  • Do not export your .pst file to a OneDrive location. This is because OneDrive will block automatic syncing for Outlook .pst files


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Exporting your data

Instruction for Outlook desktop application for Windows

1. Open the Classic Outlook desktop application on your computer. If you are using the New Outlook, you can switch to the old version as follows:

  1. Open New Outlook
  2. Select Help from the ribbon
  3. Select the tab Go to classic Outlook

By default, Outlook is set to download emails for the past 1 year. If you want to export all your emails, please:

  1. Open Outlook
  2. Select File
  3. Select Account settings 
  4. Select Account Name and Sync Settings 
  5. Move the slider to the right until the end of the bar. The period of time will change to All
  6. Select Next
  7. Select Done 

2. Select File from the ribbon

3. From the sidebar, select the option Open & Export

4. Select Import / Export

5. Select the option Export to a file 

6. Select the Next button 

7. Select the option Outlook Data File (.pst) 

8. Select the Next button

9. Now:

  1. Select the name of the email account to export
  2. Tick the checkbox Include subfolders check box is selected:


In this way you will be surely able to export anything from that account:

  • Inbox
  • Calendar
  • Contacts
  • Tasks.

10. Select the Next button to go ahead

11. Select Browse to select where to save the Outlook Data File (.pst) generated

12. Enter a file name

13. Select OK to continue

If you are exporting to an existing Outlook Data File (.pst), under Options, specify what to do when exporting items that already exist in the file

14. Select Finish

Outlook begins the export immediately. After your email data is exported to a .pst file, you can import it into another email account.

What data is exported in a .pst file

When Outlook exports email, contacts, and calendar info to a .pst, it makes a copy of the information. 

Your .pst file will include any attachments to the emails.

Outlook does not export meta-data such as folder properties (views, permissions, and AutoArchive settings), message rules, and blocked senders lists.


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Instruction for Outlook desktop application for Apple macOS

1. Open the Classic Outlook desktop application on your computer. If you are using New Outlook, you can switch to the old version as follows:

  1. Open New Outlook
  2. Select Outlook from the menu bar
  3. From the drop-down menu select Legacy Outlook to switch to Classic Outlook

2. Select File

3. From the drop-down menu, select Export

4. Select all the items you want to download from:

  • Emails
  • Calendar
  • Contacts
  • Tasks
  • Notes

Alternatively, you can download items based on the categories you used to mark them.

5. Select the Continue button

6. Now:

  1. Enter a new file name 
  2. Select a location where to download your Outlook Data File (.olm) file

7. Outlook begins the export immediately 

After your email data is exported to a .pst file, you can import it into other email accounts.


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Importing your .pst / .olm file to Outlook 

If you need guidance on importing your Outlook Data Files (.pst or .oml), please read the following Microsoft Support guidance: 


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Getting IT help

If you need help, please contact ServiceLine or visit one of our Tech Hubs.


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Attached files:

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