University of Southampton


Shared email accounts: how to request a new account, a renewal, or a change of owners

This article guides you on requesting the creation of a new shared email account, requesting a renewal of an account already created, or requesting changes to the primary and secondary owners. Shared email accounts are also known as "generic accounts" or "shared mailboxes".

Please do not raise more than one request for the same account. A ticket will only be created once the authoriser has approved the request. To know more about the process, please read the section "What happens after submitting your request from the IDM page".


Request a new generic email account

You can request a new generic account for you, a Club, or a Society. The account will allow you to access both the emails folder and the calendar on Outlook.

To go through the procedure, you will need a VPN connection or access through the Southampton Virtual Environment (SVE).

Step-by-step instructions

1. Open the page IDM – Affiliate management

2. Select the tab Manage Account

3. Select the button Request a new generic account


4. Fill the blank fields about:

  1. The account details. Add your proposed name as follows:
    1. The username must be between 2 and 8 characters
    2. It's recommended to use lower-case letters and digits
    3. The proposed name must not have a leading digit
  2. The type of account requested. It could be generic or Student Union Account
  3. The authoriser. Please make sure that the authoriser, primary and secondary owners are three different names on the form
  4. The secondary owner of the shared account – the primary owner will appear automatically. Please make sure that:
    1. The authoriser, primary and secondary owners are three different names on the form
    2. The authoriser, primary and secondary owners must be members of the University
    3. Owners’ role: the Primary owner will be the person who applies for and manages an account on a daily basis. They also take responsibility for the appropriate use of the account
      The Secondary owner will receive relevant system generated emails to their personal email account, for example the expiry warning emails
  5. Check the owner agreement

5. Select the button Submit


What’s next

  1. The authoriser will receive your request
  2. The account will be created/renewed once it has been approved by the authoriser and then actioned by iSolutuions within 5 working days


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Renew a generic account

Only the owners of the generic account can renew a new generic account for you, a Club, or a Society. Please note:

  • Generic accounts need to be renewed every 12 months
  • You will receive a warning email 2 weeks before the account is due to expire.

To go through the procedure, you will need a VPN connection or access through the Southampton Virtual Environment (SVE).


Step-by-step instructions

1. Open the page IDM – Affiliate management

2. Select the tab Manage Account


3. Select the button Request an update or extension to an existing generic account

4. You can then see all the accounts where you are an owner. Please select the required account 

5. Select the button Submit


What’s next

  1. The authoriser will receive your request
  2. The account will be created/renewed once it has been approved by the authoriser and then actioned by iSolutuions within 5 working days


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Owner change

Only the named owners can request a change.

To go through the procedure, you will need a VPN connection or access through the Southampton Virtual Environment (SVE).


Step-by-step instructions

1. Open the page IDM – Affiliate management

2. Select the tab Manage Account


3. Select the button Request an update or extension to an existing generic account

4. You will then see the renewal form. The primary owner will be greyed out. To request the primary owner change on this form, please:

  1. Use the additional requirements box at the top of the page. You can find it under the box “Purpose/intended use of the account”
  2. Insert the new owners information in here (name/username). For changes to the secondary owner, please update the secondary owner field.

    Please make sure that the authoriser, primary and secondary owners are three different names on the form.

5. Select the button Submit 


What’s next

  1. The authoriser will receive your request
  2. The account will be created/renewed once it has been approved by the authoriser and then actioned by iSolutuions within 5 working days


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What happens after submitting your request from the IDM page

Please do not raise more than one request for the same account. A ticket will only be created once the authoriser has approved the request. You will not be able to see this.

What you need to expect:

  1. Once it has been approved by the authoriser, you will receive an email confirmation and the system will generate a ticket
  2. You will find your request in the Service Portal. To see it, please select the button My Enquiries on the menu bar and select the ticket

  3. If you have not received an email confirmation that a ticket has been created, please ask the authoriser to confirm they have approved the request


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Related content

How to set up the Virtual Private Network (VPN) via GlobalProtect

How to add or remove your university email account

How to add or remove shared email accounts in Outlook

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