Shared email accounts: how to request a new account, a renewal, or a change of owners
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This guide is intended for users who manage several email accounts on Outlook and would like to disable "New Email" desktop alerts for a specific account or instead receive desktop alerts for only one account.
As an example, a user can have their personal email account set up in Outlook as well as two generic accounts. The generic accounts are quite busy and the constant "New Email" alerts can be disruptive. There is no option in Outlook to disable the alerts selectively for each account however this can be achieved by disabling the global option to display the New Mail Desktop Alert and then create a rule to only display it again when mail arrives via your specified account(s).
As said, the first step of the process is to disable the generic option to always display the New Mail Desktop Alert.
Disabling the Desktop Alert feature in Outlook 2013.
The next step is to create a rule to display the New Mail Desktop Alert again but only for the accounts that you select.
The approach is slightly different for when you want to disable alerts for only 1 account or multiple.
When you have multiple accounts configured and only want to disable the alerts for 1 specific account, then you need to create the following rule:
The entire rule will now read as follows:
Apply this rule after the message arrives
on this computer only
display a Desktop Alert
account<account name>except through the
When you had the “Apply changes to this folder” drop down list as mentioned in step 2, you’ll need to repeat the above steps for all the other accounts listed but you can then skip step 10 and 11. If you do not do this, you won’t see alerts for these accounts.
When you have multiple accounts configured and want to disable alerts for multiple accounts, then you need to create the following rule:
The entire rule will now read as follows:
Apply this rule after the message arrives
account<account name>through the
and on this computer only
display a Desktop Alert
When you want to display the New Mail Desktop Alert for other accounts as well, repeat the above process for each account and select it at step 2 and 6.
To make sure that the alert is being shown for each and every mail that is being received for your selected accounts, you must place the newly created rules all the way at the top.
If you don’t want New Mail Desktop Alerts to be shown for messages which are being moved to another folder, you’ll need to sort your “move to folder” rules to the top and add the action “stop processing more rules”.
Use the Up and Down buttons to sort your selected rule up or down.
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