University of Southampton


Use and configure Quick Messages in ServiceNow

This articles provides an overview of Quick Messages in ServiceNow and explains how to create or edit those messages.

Quick Messages are predefined text that can be inserted into emails sent from ServiceNow, for example for adding standard replies.

Permissions to create and modify Quick Messages are restricted to the group manager, but anyone can use Quick Messages that have been made accessible to them.

Using Quick Messages

1. Log in to ServiceNow

2. Open the ticket you want to send the email from

3. Select Compose Email

From left to right: "Update", "Save", and "Compose email" on ServiceNow toolbar

4. Place your cursor into the body of the message at the point where the Quick Message should appear

Email window in ServiceNow

5. Select the drop down button alongside Quick Messages

6. Select the message to insert

Quick messages drop-down menu

The text will be inserted into the body of the email:

Example of an email containing a quick message text


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Create or edit Quick Messages

To create or edit Quick Messages you must be a group manager.

1. Log in to ServiceNow

2. In the Filter navigator field enter manage my groups.

A list of the groups you manage will display:


3. Select the group you want to edit/add a Quick Message for

4. Within the Quick Messages section, either:

  • Open an existing message
  • Select New to create a new message

5. Edit/complete the following fields:

Field Description
Title This is shown in the Quick Messages menu
Active  Uncheck this to hide the Quick Message (but not delete it)
Autoreply This is a custom function that, when checked, will send this Quick Message to any new incidents assigned to the group. Incidents assigned to the group from elsewhere will not have the autoreply sent
User Restrict the Quick Message to an individual user
Group Restrict the Quick Message to a ServiceNow group. Ensure you add the relevant group here, otherwise the Quick Message will be visible to staff in all groups
Table Only show the Quick Message on tickets of the given type
Conditions Provide specific conditions under which to show the Quick Message
Body The content to insert into the message when selected by a user


Ensure you select a ServiceNow group for the Quick Message to be visible to, otherwise it will appear in the list of Quick Messages for staff in all groups.

6. Select Update or Submit to save your changes


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