University of Southampton


How to use Jamf Self-Service application on Apple computers

This article explains how to use Jamf Self-Service (also called Self Service) application for installing, reinstalling or updating software on Apple computers.

If you are using a university-owned Apple computer, you will find it in your App folder or in your sidebar (Dock).

How Self Service works

1. Open Self Service by selecting the icon on your desktop:

Self Service icon as it appears on your macOS Dock

2. Log in with your university username (for example: abc1de22) and password. Tick on "Remember me" if you want the software to remember your credentials:

Self Service login window

3. Self Service will show you a list of available managed software you can install or reinstall:

Example of the list of available software

4. Select 'Install' to start downloading the software you want

5. Under the software icon, you will see a stop button and the progression circle. You can stop downloading the software by selecting it: 

Example of the progression circle under the software icon

6. The button under the software icon will change from 'Install' to 'Reinstall' at the end of the process.


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Browse, Notifications and History tabs


The Browse tab contains the following tabs:

  • 'All': here you can find the list of applications  available for you to download (in the future it may vary depending on access but office 365 is all that is there right now)
  • 'Bookmarks': Bookmarks allow you to install Global Protect via this portal. Use Global Protect to connect your device to the University's Virtual Private Network (VPN) and login to the University network from off-campus locations.
    At present, you cannot bookmark previously installed software - this is a production issue that software is aware of.
  • 'Featured' and 'Self Service Software': at present, they show you the same list of applications you can find under the 'All' tab.


You will receive a push notification whenever there’s an update available for you. Updates will appear as well within the History tab:

Notification section. In this example the window shows the icon of a bell and a sentence saying "No notifications"

Select the notification icon or the Updates tab on the top-right to see all the updates available. From there, you can update a single software or all the software listed.

History tab

History tab shows you a quick view of what you have already downloaded on your macOS. It also let you reinstall your software on your computer:

History section. In this example, users can see the icon of Microsoft Edge meaning that the software is ready to be installed or reinstalled


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Getting IT help

If you need help, please contact ServiceLine or visit one of our Tech Hubs.


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Related content

How to set up VPN on your device

Administrator account and rights on university-owned computers

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