Removing personal information from Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents
Remove login items from your computer
Working with documents on your desktop while away from campus
This article guides you on creating a PDF file from a Word file and provides useful references to learn good practices for accessibility.
This guide applies for the version of Word you install and run on your computer, not the one you can run from your browser.
A prerequisite for using this guide is that you have Adobe Acrobat Pro DC on your computer or use the Southampton Virtual Environment (SVE).
Following this guide your PDF file will have a good foundation in accessibility but may require further remediation to remove all accessibility barriers.
Follow good accessibility practices when creating your Word file. Use the tips and strategies shared in the Introduction to Digital Accessibility course and the Better content made easy video guide. Both are available to all staff and students.
Use the accessibility checker in Word to resolve any accessibility issues it identifies with your content.
If a PDF file has a title set, this can appear instead of the filename when opening the PDF in Acrobat Reader. Having a title improves discoverability with tools such as Delve.
Ensure that a title is set in your Word document and that it is meaningful. To set the title, follow this path:
Before starting, be sure you have Adobe Acrobat Pro DC on your computer.
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