Why do I see "You do not have access to this record" when trying to view some tickets in ServiceNow?
How do I access Office 365 using the Outlook Web App (OWA)?
This article explains how to turn on the notice bar ‘Ask senders to send content that’s accessible’ from Outlook’s settings.
You can let senders know that you prefer to receive accessible content by turning on the Outlook notice bar “(user) prefers accessible content’”:
You can turn on the bar on:
Classic Outlook desktop application for Windows and Outlook desktop application for Apple Mac does not support this feature now.
1. Open Outlook Web Access or launch the Outlook desktop application
2. Select the settings icon (a cog) in the top-right corner (close to your account picture):
3. Select General under the Settings sidebar:
4. Select Accessibility:
5. Scroll to the section Accessible content
6. Tick the box Ask senders to send content that’s accessible:
Good practice for writing links
Make your Outlook email accessible to people with disabilities (external source)
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