Common issues using PGR Manager
Reporting a fault in a Common Learning Space (CLS)
This article explains how to fix common issues related to logging in to SUSSED.
You must have a University username and password to be able to log on to SUSSED. If you do not have this, you have to create your account on Subscribe.
If you are entering your password and you cannot log on, check you are writing it correctly.
The password check is case-sensitive: type capital letters and lower-case letters exactly as you set them. If you have forgotten your password, please go to Subscribe and click on Reset a forgotten or expired password.
If you give your password three times incorrectly in succession, it will appear a message saying that you have been "locked out" of the SUSSED. This is a security measure - if you realise that you have used the wrong password three times, please wait 15 minutes and try again.
If you are sure you are entering everything correctly, try using a different web browser. There is a known issue with logging on to SUSSED using Chrome that is not present in other browsers such as Internet Explorer and Firefox.
If you are still not able to log on to SUSSED then please contact ServiceLine for help.
SUSSED has an automatic timeout: students are logged out after 30 minutes of inactivity and staff are logged out after 4 hours.
Please contact ServiceLine if you find that are logged out more quickly than this.
You can unblock pop-ups following the instructions present on the error page. Check also the settings of your toolbar: sometimes toolbar settings can block pop-ups.
How to manage your university and computing account using Subscribe
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