How to set up a delegate in ServiceNow
How do I set up notifications in Teams?
How to set up a shared office in Outlook
How to set up and manage Microsoft Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Following the change in the University's external authentication processes, there is an issue with Office on SVE. Office 365 is configured to activate automatically (and silently) on SVE; however, it may wrongly prompt you to authenticate and activate manually. We are working with Microsoft to resolve the issue and in the meantime there is a simple workaround:
We advise opening Microsoft Word before using any other part of the Office suite (such as Outlook) as this simplifies the authentication process, however this workaround applies to any part of the suite. If you are already past the point of authentication and have the “Unlicensed Product” banner in the top of the window, simply close and re-open the application.
When prompted to "Sign in to set up Office", click "Sign In" and then authenticate using the short version ( of your normal University email address:
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