University of Southampton


KxWelcome: granting access for a staff member

This article gives guidance to Residence Administrators and staff about granting access to the KxWelcome Application:

  • Residence Administrators will find guidance on adding staff members.
  • Staff will find information on installing KxWelcome Application on their computers.

Residence Administrator - How to add a new account

This section is for KxWelcome administrators. Only KxWelcome administrators within the Residence team can add new accounts. 

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Open the KxWelcome Desktop application

  2.  Go to:
    1. File
    2. Configuration
    3. Security
    4. Users

  3. Press the +New button in the top-left

  4. When adding the new account:
    1. User Name = soton\zzz2n12 (where zzz2n12 is the staff member's username)
    2. Logon Type = Domain Authentication
    3. Area Access: at least one checkbox needs to be checked
    4. Permissions: at least one checkbox needs to be checked for the user to be able to login

  5. Press the OK button when finished

Staff member should appear in the Active Directory group, jfSW_RoomServiceClient_Prod_SCCM. Ask the staff member to log into KxWelcome to confirm if they can log in or not - if not, raise a ticket to ServiceLine.


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Installing KxWelcome Application 

Having the right to install the application does not automatically allow a staff member to use the application. Installing and using the application are separate rights.

Rights to use the application are granted by a Residences team leader.

If you install KxWelcome without rights being granted, the application will close by itself immediately after it is started.

Step-by-step instructions

If you are using a University desktop or laptop that does not have the KxWelcome desktop application already installed, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Select the Software Center icon available on the desktop or from the start menu of Windows:
    Additional software icon 

  2. Search for KxWelcome

  3. Select KxWelcome

  4. Press the Install button

  5. After the installation completes:
    1. Go to the Search bar near the Windows Start button
    2. Enter KxWelcome
  6. The latest version of KxWelcome should appear. Select it to run the application.

If you see no results when you search for KxWelcome, please raise a ticket with ServiceLine.


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