University of Southampton


How to add or change your profile picture on your Microsoft 365 account

You can change your profile picture in Microsoft 365 from:

  • Outlook
  • Teams, using your desktop / laptop
  • Teams, using your Android / iOS device

The picture uploaded will appear everywhere there is a photo linked to your Microsoft 365 account. You can change your picture any time you want.


How to add or change your profile photo using ProfilePhoto

1. Go to

2. Sign in using your university email address and password

3. Upload your photo by selecting the button 'Choose file'

4. Select the button 'Upload photo'

5. Crop your photo, if necessary

6. Confirm your choice by selecting the button 'Confirm and update photo'

Please note:

  • You might need to wait for a day or so to see the picture updating on the various systems.
  • Your photo will be displayed on any system that is internal to the University, including Outlook, Teams, and SharePoint.
  • Photos uploaded by this method will not be made visible on any systems visible from outside the University network (for example, external-facing websites) without further permission being sought.


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How to add or change your profile photo on Microsoft 365

Using the browser version of Outlook

1. Sign in to Microsoft 365 with your university account at

2. Open the browser version of Outlook

3. Go to the upper right-hand corner of the page. Select the circle that shows your initials or the icon of a person

Outlook menu bar

4. The 'My accounts' panel will appear. From there, select the circle that shows your initials (or the icon).

5. Upload your photo by clicking on '+ Upload a new photo'

6. Click 'Apply' to confirm the changes

Change your photo banner

7. The picture uploaded will appear within the circle

Outlook menu bar with the picture uploaded


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Using the desktop client

1. Open Outlook

2. Click on 'File'

3. Go to the 'Account Settings' section and click on 'Change'

Outlook account settings area

4. Microsoft will open the browser version and ask for the new picture as follow:

Banner used to update a new picture on your profile 

5. Upload your photo by clicking on '+ Upload a new photo'

6. Click 'Apply' to confirm the changes

7. The picture uploaded will appear within the circle


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How to add or change a picture through Teams using Android or iOS devices

Change your profile picture through Teams is quick and straightforward:

1. Open Teams

2. Select the circle that shows your initials or the icon of a person

3. Click on 'Edit image' (Android users) or 'Edit' (iOS users)

Edit image settings on Outlook for Android

4. You can now:

  • Upload a picture from your photo library (clicking on 'Open photo library')
  • Take a picture using the camera of your device (selecting the 'Camera' icon/button)
  • Open and share your actual picture (clicking on 'View photo')

5. Select the picture you want. Teams will automatically upload it and will show a temporary banner saying "Profile picture updated".

It may take a while before seeing the changes live. If nothing happens, please refresh the page.


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How to remove your picture

You can remove your picture by using ProfilePhoto or you can do it from Teams as follow:

  1. Go to Teams
  2. Select the circle that shows your previous picture
  3. A banner called 'Change your profile picture' will appear
  4. Click on 'Remove picture'
  5. Click on 'Save' and then 'Close'

It may take a while before seeing the changes live. It nothing happens, please refresh the page.


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Reducing a document photo image size to 1MB for uploading

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