Turning on notifications on Microsoft Forms
University Templates for Microsoft Office
This article gives you an overview of Microsoft Dynamics and explains to professional services staff how to sign in. The article also provides a list of training pages for:
Microsoft Dynamics is the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system used by the University of Southampton.
The University currently use the CRM to manage all contacts, interactions and communications related to prospects, applicants, students and alumni with any department or faculty. Holding all applicant and student information in one place helps us to better understand them and improve their experience here at the University.
Currently, our Admissions and Student Recruitment teams are using Dynamics to manage enquiries, send out student communications, and process PGT applications.
Know more about how the Admissions Team is using Dynamics to improve Postgraduate (PGT) applicants.
The Dynamics admissions application is used by the Admissions team to process applications for PGT programmes. Applications will be made by prospective students via the University of Southampton applicant portal or via their appointed agent using the agent portal.
When an applicant or an agent submits an application via the portal, this creates a contact record and links this to an application record. Applicants can submit multiple applications, with each application then being linked directly to their contact record. There is also a timeline so that any interactions and communications with the applicant can be read.
All agents registered with the University of Southampton will need to register on the University portal to enable them to submit and track applications on behalf of a student.
Step-by-step instructions
1. Invitation email
You will receive an email invitation asking you to register on the University of Southampton portal. The email contains a link which is valid for 48 hours.
2. Complete your registration
When you click the link in the email you will be asked to create a password. The password must contain the following:
3. Accept terms and conditions
You will need to accept the terms and conditions to continue your registration. Use the links provided to review our privacy notice and our regulations, policies and guidelines. Click the checkbox to say you have read and agree to these terms and conditions.
4. Sign in
Select Sign in on the portal home page.
The first time you click sign in on the portal welcome screen you will be asked to accept the terms and conditions once more.
Select the check box and select Continue to go to your agent portal home page.
5. Go to the agent home
On your Agent Portal Welcome page Click agent home to go to your main screen where you can create and track applications.
6. Sign in after registering on the agent portal
Next time you access the University of Southampton agent portal you will sign in as a registered user.
On the portal welcome screen select Sign in and then select the option 'Other', on the next screen select 'I'm an agent'. If your agency is registered with the University select 'Yes' on the next screen. You can add your sign in information and access the portal.
Find full guidance in the article "Step by Step Register and Sign in on the Agent Portal".
1. Access the academic portal
When an application is assigned to you for review, you will receive an email containing a link to the academic portal. Select the link to go to the University of Southampton portal.
2. Sign in
On the portal welcome screen select Sign in and then select the option 'I'm a student, alumni or member at the university'. You will be signed in with your University of Southampton credentials.
3. Academic review home page
When you sign in via a review request you will be taken directly to the application for review.
4. Review an application and add feedback
Select the Add Feedback button to add comments and a recommendation on the application.
5. Academic review status complete
To complete your review and advise admissions that no further academic action or intervention is required, set the Review Status to Review Complete and select Add Review.
6. Referring an application to a colleague for review
There will be instances when a review will need to be passed to a colleague for further recommendations. Dynamics 365 will send the additional reviewer an email to prompt them to access their portal and complete the review.
The first reviewer may add comments to assist the second reviewer, all comments made on the application will be visible on the Application Comments area and in the PGT Admissions CRM.
Dynamics will send the email to the second reviewer and update the admissions CRM with the details of the second reviewer.
Find full guidance on the pages "Sign in and Review an Application" (points 1-5) and "Refer an Application to a Colleague for Review" (point 6).
Professional services staff can request access by filling out the form "Dynamics 365 (CRM)".
If you cannot sign in to Dynamics or you have forgotten your password, please:
Professional services staff can request access by filling out the form "Dynamics 365 (CRM)".
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