University of Southampton


Moving HTML-based Content from Blackboard Learn Original to Blackboard Ultra

This article explains how to move HTML-based content from Blackboard Learn Original to Blackboard Ultra.

Note about unsupported tools

Before using an unsupported app or online service in your teaching, it is essential to carefully evaluate several factors to ensure compliance, sustainability, and inclusivity.

First, explore whether an alternative “supported” tool provided by the University could meet your objectives, as these are vetted for safety, accessibility, and support. If you choose to proceed with an unsupported tool, adhere to university policies by completing an Initial Data Protection Review Form and involving Procurement for any purchases.

For more information on unsupported tools, please read the knowledge base article "Supported and unsupported tools for teaching activities at the University of Southampton (UoS)".

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Export Content from Blackboard Learn Original

Log in to Blackboard.

2. Navigate to Learn Original course where the HTML content is stored.

3. Go to the Content Collection of your course (usually under Files in the left-hand menu, Course Management section), and select the course ID.

4. Locate the HTML content by navigating the course folders until you find the required content folder or files. If the accessibility of the content needs to be improved, or you are not sure, contact ServiceLine for support

5. Select the folder or all individual files you want to download:

List of folders selected

6. Choose the Download Package option to create a .zip file, which combines all selected files into one compressed package for easy transfer:


7. Save the .zip file to your computer in a location that’s easy to find, as this file will be uploaded to Blackboard Ultra.


Step 2: Go to a Blackboard Ultra course and upload the HTML content

1. Navigate to the Ultra course where you want to add the HTML content.

2. From Course Content go to where you want the HTML files to display (for example, inside a folder or learning module), select the plus (+) icon to add new content and select Content Collection:


3. Upload your HTML files:

  1. Select Browse Content Collection to open the upload interface:"Browse Content Collection" button

  2. Select Upload to upload the HTML content zip. file from your computer and select Submit:

  3. On the selection screen, select the .zip folder, and then select Submit:
    Blackboard Ultra's Upload section. Close to the top of the page there's a "File information" section where you can browse and attach (or drag-and drop) your files

  4. Back to Ultra interface, the files will be listed, select Save.

Step 3: Make Content Available to Students

1. Back in the Course Content Area, check the availability of each uploaded file and select visible to students to ensure students can access it.

2. If necessary, organise the content by adding descriptions or placing them in folders.


Step 4: Test the Uploaded HTML content

1. Switch to Student Preview mode in Blackboard Ultra (found in the upper right corner) to ensure the HTML content displays and functions correctly.

2. Test the interactive elements (e.g., quizzes, matching exercises) to ensure they work as expected.


Related content

Staff resources about Blackboard, Panopto, Assessment, and other Education applications

Student resources about Blackboard, Panopto, Assessment, and other Education applications

Using the Blackboard Accessibility Dashboard

Attached files:

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