What are the costs of the available telephony VoIP services?
Current QlikView applications are listed below: To request a new QlikView application you will need to raise a Feature Request as described in How do I request a new report or a change to an existing report?.
Additional Exam Requirements Provides details of all students for whom an additional examination requirement has been identified.
Annual Monitoring Data - Progression & Qualification HESA Student data to support faculties in the Annual Monitoring Data - Progression and Qualification process
Applications Shows information relating to applicants, including that captured by the on-line UCAS application form.
Applications, Agents and CAS This application is designed to allow the user to filter overseas student applications by term, resdiency codes and Agents. It also shows the student CAS Status and the percentage of Enrolments for Agents.
Awards Management Shows award data as extracted from the Awards management system.
BDMS Data Quality This application is for checking BDMS applicant documents for errors, inconsistencies or omissions and highlighting the details of these issues.
Bursary and Fee Waiver Approvals This application displays Bursary and Fee Waiver Approvals for students
Card Monitoring Shows daily changes in student entitlement and ID cards.
Confirmation: Used during confirmation to model intake.
Confirmation Stage 2 Application summary stage 2
Council Tax Data Share The application allows staff to export an Excel file of students who have either a term time or permanent address within a selected Local Authority area
Courses Titles Allows users to enter key words to search course titles of taught courses in UK institutions. It displays number of students on these courses (split by home and international) and tuition fee data. This application is useful for programme validation and when proposing a new programme. The student numbers are derived from HESA Student Return data, which has been mapped where possible to the UoS disciplines to allow like for like comparison between UoS and the sector.
The HESA raw data covers all UK HE institutions and has been mapped as where possible to the UoS disciplines to allow like for like comparison between UoS and the sector.
December Snapshots HESES Student data on Student Profile,by Year, Faculty, Academic Unit, Programme and Demographic Group- data to support faculties.
DLHE The DLHE is an annual survey which captures the destinations of graduates 6 months after the completion of their programme of study.
Fees Checking The Fees checking app allows the SAA hub to check applications to verify those applying for UK Fees are eligible.
FreDa Anaysis View the status of Feature Requests in the Feature REquest DAtabase
Gradebook Components Statistics Shows the distribution of marks entered into Banner Gradebook which can be broken down by marker, as well as a set of statistics for each component or sub-component and the marks for each student. The application can also be used to identify students who are failing a number of components or sub-components.
HR tickets Shows HR related tickets logged in Remedy/ESS (no longer updated)
International Benchmarking Displays student numbers by country and region of origin, down to course level. The student numbers are derived from HESA Student Return data, which has been mapped where possible to the UoS disciplines to allow like for like comparison between UoS and the sector. The application was primarily written for the International Office’s compilation of Country Strategy documents but is available to all staff.
iSolutions tickets Shows IT related tickets logged in Remedy/ESS (no longer updated)
Module Evaluation EvaSys Survey Results Data for interrogation by Academic Unit, Module, Course and Lecturer.
NSS Displays results of the National Student Survey across the sector for interrogation by question, subject and institution.
PC Monitor Shows usage of Windows 7 workstations.
POAS Students Provides details of POAS students with active university usernames.
Presessional student tracking This application tracks the progress of students who have studied a pre-sessional English course go on to enrol in a substantive programme
Pre-Sessional Exam Marks This application shows module and component marks for pre-sessional students and indicates if they have passed their language requirements
Programme and Module Outcomes This application shows statistics derived from module scores and programme outcomes
RCUK Historic Success Rates A tool of benchmarking Southampton success in securing UK Research council funding
Recruitment & Recruitment including schools Uses HESA Student Returns and Department of Education data to display full-time equivalent numbers for first year undergraduates. The application has been split into two versions; one (Recruitment) contains general HESA-related data and is available to all staff, the other (Recruitment including schools) also contains schools and A’ Level/EPQ qualification data and is available to the UK Student Recruitment Team, Faculty Education Managers, Recruitment and Admissions Team Leaders and Senior Marketing Managers. Both versions contain mapping of students’ entry postcodes, distance travelled, entry grades and various items of widening participation data.
REF Metrics HESA Student, Staff and Research Income Data for interrogation by year, cost centre and institution.
Sector Benchmarking tool HESA Student, Staff and Research Income Data for interrogation by year, subject and institution.
Student Activity This application displays student activity data across key systems over time.
Student Data Quality This application is for checking Banner Student records against a number of predefined tests. Where errors are found details of the error are given, together with a link to information in the Sharepoint showing how to correct the errors
Students who may need a CAS This application shows students who may need a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies.
Training Provides basic training in the use of QlikView applications, which should give users confidence to use the other applications.
UCAS Applications and Acceptances Benchmarking across the sector of undergraduate applications and acceptances using UCAS data.
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