Halls Wi-Fi connection problems
How visitors and guests can access the "Wi-Fi Guest" network
This article guides you restoring Wi-Fi connectivity when you are working on Campus or at home post loss of Wi-Fi connections on your device following the disruption to UoS provided laptops on Tuesday 18th April 2023. These instructions are for Windows users.
If you are struggling to follow these instructions, please come on Campus and connect with internet cable docking stations or visit our Tech Hubs in the Hartley Library or in Sir James Matthew (section "Visit the Hartley Library IT helpdesk").
If you need further help, please contact ServiceLine.
Step-by-step instructions:
1. If you are working on site, please:
2. Go to the icon tray in the bottom right-hand corner and check you are connected: by moving the pointer of your mouse on the network icon, it should appear a dialogue box saying "soton.ac.uk" and "Internet access"
3. Right-click on the Windows Start menu button and select the “Run” option
4. A new window will appear. Please copy and paste the wording gpupdate /force within the "Open:" field
Please note: between "gpupdate" and the forward slash "/" there is blank space.
5. A new window will appear. It has a black background and says "Updating policy..."
6. After a couple of minutes you will be prompted to log off.
7. Now please:
Step-by-step instructions:
1. Ensure your desktop is connected to the network.
2. Go to the icon tray in the bottom right-hand corner and check you are connected: by moving the pointer of your mouse on the network icon, it should appear a dialogue box saying "soton.ac.uk" and "Internet access"
3. Right-click on the Windows Start menu button and select the “Run” option
4. A new window will appear. Please copy and paste the wording gpupdate /force within the "Open:" field
Please note: between "gpupdate" and the forward slash "/" there is blank space.
5. A new window will appear. It has a black background and says "Updating policy..."
6. After a couple of minutes you will be prompted to log off.
7. Now please:
If you cannot connect to a wired network (ethernet cable plugged into the computer or dock) at home and are able to come on site, please do so.
Step-by-step instructions:
1. If you are working at home please:
The other end of the network cable should be connected to your router/hub. Once connected go to the icon tray in the bottom right-hand corner and check you are connected by moving the pointer of your mouse on the network icon .
2. Please connect to the Global Protect VPN
3. Right-click on the Windows Start menu button and select the “Run” option
4. A new window will appear. Please copy and paste the wording gpupdate /force within the "Open:" field
Please note: between "gpupdate" and the forward slash "/" there is blank space.
5. A new window will appear. It has a black background and says "Updating policy..."
6. After a couple of minutes you will be prompted to log off.
7. Now please:
Step-by-step instructions:
1. Press the Windows + R key, this will bring up the “Run Prompt”
2. Type in services.msc, then select the button OK
If you are prompted for credentials (it might mean you are not an administrator), please contact ServiceLine.
Our technicians will give you an administrator password:
3. A new window will appear
4. Scroll down to the Windows Connection Manager Service, it should be stopped (in the example below it is running)
5. Right-click on it and select Properties.
A new window will open,ensure the startup type is set to Automatic
6. Now select:
7. Back in the Services Window, navigate to the WLAN AutoConfig service. Right-click and hit “Start”
The device should start seeing WiFi connections again.
8. Please connect to the Global Protect VPN
9. Right-click on the Windows Start menu button and select the “Run” option
10. A new window will appear. Please copy and paste the wording gpupdate /force within the "Open:" field
Please note: between "gpupdate" and the forward slash "/" there is blank space.
11. A new window will appear. It has a black background and says "Updating policy..."
12. After a couple of minutes you will be prompted to log off.
13. Now please:
How to set up the Virtual Private Network (VPN) via GlobalProtect
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Please note that feedback is anonymous - if you require a reply or assistance, please raise a ticket via ServiceLine.
Thank you for your feedback, it is much appreciated.