University of Southampton


Guidance for students leaving the university or becoming staff

This article gives students instructions about their university IT account whether they are leaving the university or becoming staff.

Students needing something specific not listed within the article can contact their Faculty Student Offices.

If you are not expecting your IT account to close as you are still studying, please contact your School Office in the first instance.

Qualified students leaving the university


Once you receive your final results, the Student Office marks you as “Qualified”. 152 days after you are marked as qualified, your university account becomes an Alumni email account.

You typically get 4 months before your account your changes to Alumni to give you the chance to transfer any data you want to keep.

You will receive a warning email 28 days before your account is due to expire. This happens to give you time to re-organise the content of your account.

What do I need to do before my account expires?

Before your account expires and your Alumni account is created, make sure you do the following:

  • Take a copy of any personal files you wish to keep after you leave the university, as these will be deleted after your account expires. This may include files stored on the Filestore, OneDrive, Blackboard, eAssignments - see the “Files” section for more details.
  • Check your security settings in Subscribe, and make sure you have set a secondary contact email address. This can be used to reset your account if you forget your password.


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Not qualified students leaving the university

The following procedure is for students enrolled after 2016. Students enrolled before 2016 need to contact ServiceLine if necessary.

Once the Student Office marks you as “Withdrawn”, you will receive a warning email saying that your account is due to expire in 28 days. This happens to give you time to re-organise the content of your account and to transfer any data you want to keep.

28 days after the warning email, your university account will become an Alumni email account.


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What happens after becoming an Alumni

Alumni email

After the creation of your Alumni account, you can use it to manage your emails and your calendar. Your alumni email will appear as follows:

All your old emails, contacts, sent items and calendar will automatically be migrated to your new alumni account.

To know more about your alumni account and how to access it, please read the article “How to access your Alumni email account”.

There you will find further information about:

  • Alumni account creation
  • Username and password
  • Accessing your email account
  • Sending and receiving emails from your alumni account

Important changes to the alumni email service

Due to data management and cyber security reasons, alumni will no longer have access to any university email address (for example, or starting from 01/07/2025.

Alumni will no longer be able to:

  • Send email from your alumni email address
  • Receive and read emails sent to your old student email address. These emails will not be redirected to your alumni email address.

All alumni email accounts will eventually be removed starting in December 2025, and you will be unable to recover any email from your account after this date.

This project may be subject to changes as further details emerge. This note will be updated to reflect any such changes as soon as they are known.

Files and university systems

You typically get 4 months before your account changes to give you a chance to transfer any data you want to keep.

You will receive a warning email 28 days before your account is due to expire.

You will lose access to your files when your account expires, and these files will be permanently deleted shortly after this.

You will lose access to the following university systems and the files stored there:

  • Personal Filestore
  • OneDrive and any Office 365 services
  • Banner
  • The University Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  • Eduroam
  • Public Workstations
  • Blackboard
  • eAssignments
  • Efolio
  • PGR Manager
  • GitHub
  • Most other services that require you to authenticate

Extensions to a computing account

Students cannot request extensions to their computing account. However, if you feel you have a strong case for an extension, please raise a request to ServiceLine.


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Students becoming staff

Staff and student account will always be separate.

As soon as iSolutions activates your staff account, you can request to:

  • Transfer your emails, contacts, and email addresses
  • Have access to the High-Performance Computing facility (IRIDIS)
  • Have access to your Blackboard modules 

How to request the transfer of your student data to your staff account

You can request to move the data listed above the day after you have subscribed to your staff account. What you need to do:

  1. Set up your staff account through Subscribe
  2. Wait for your staff email account to be created. After creating your account, you will have to wait up to 24 hours for all systems and services (email included) to become available 
  3. Request transition from one account to the other filling the form User IT Account Transfer. Please note: the synchronisation process will take up to 24 hours before completing.
  4. Transfer files and content from your old IT account to your new account, please read the knowledge base article “Uploading files or folders from your local storage to OneDrive".
    If you are using a computer managed by iSolutions and the instructions listed in the article “Uploading files or folders from your local storage to OneDrive" don't work please read the article “Moving Filestore from one account to another”.

You can also create an automatic email forwarding by creating a rule in Outlook. If you need guidance, please read the Microsoft article “Use inbox rules in”.

Postgraduate Research Students (PGRs) that had previously access to a Research or Resource filestore can request access to the same filestore using one of the following forms:


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Getting IT help

If you need further help, you can: 


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Related content

Staff resources

How to access your Alumni email account

Requesting an extension to a computing account

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