Requesting an extension to a computing account
Alumni email account offboarding resources
Alumni email account – How to download emails
Follow the instructions below to change a password on a shared or generic account using Subscribe.
1. You can set the password for this account by logging into Subscribe
2. Select the button Sign in to manage your existing account
3. Sign in using your university username (for example: abc1d22) and password
4. Select the menu option for Other university accounts you own:
5. Select the option View other accounts you own
6. Select the option Change password where available. Please note: only the primary owner(s) of the account will see this option.
7. Go to the field "Your current password (the owner's password, for example)" and enter again the password of your own account, not the password of the generic account you are changing. This step is requested to maintain the account's security.
8. Enter a new password for this account which is difficult to guess from other people. Advice on choosing and looking after your password is at the page Keeping safe online.
As the owner of this account, only you and the secondary contact can request any changes. Please keep in mind that:
9 . Confirm your new password
10. Select the button Submit
How to add or delete shared email accounts in Outlook
How to add or delete your university email account using Outlook
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