University of Southampton


Where do I go to find SitePublisher support?

You will find the answer to many SitePublisher related queries in our detailed Support Guide. We suggest you search this guide and attempt to find the answer to your issue before contacting ServiceLine as you may find an immediate answer to your question.

You can quickly access this from within SitePublisher by clicking the 'Help' icon at the top right-hand corner of the main navigation screen.

Our support guides are designed to save you time and help you get the job done more easily. They provide easy access to the information you need to carry out key SitePublisher processes and tasks.

The guide is structured with the core headings contained in the blue banner along the top of every page. The sub-topics for each subject are in held the left-hand pane underneath each heading.

The Support Guide is structured as follows:

  1. Training tutorials - Information on how to gain access to SitePublisher along with links to the online training videos
  2. Getting Started - Everything you need to know about getting access to the system, which browser to use and how to navigate
  3. Author Tasks - Key actions and tasks that someone in an Author role may need to do
  4. Content Owner Tasks - Key actions and tasks that someone in an Content Owner role may need to do
  5. Page Content Items - Information on every page content item you can add to a page
  6. Templates - Information on every template that a page can be built with
  7. MediaBin - How to add assets and files to your page as well as guidance on using the MediaBin software
  8. Editing Site Navigation - Guidance on how to rename, re-order or delete links in the navigational structure of your page
  9. Further Support - Other reference resources and support materials when using SitePublisher

You can also search for specific search terms using the search function.

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